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Obama AWOL on Budget

What a difference a day makes.  Today President Obama is gassing up Air Force One and heading out of Washington as a government shutdown looms.  But just yesterday President Obama said, “Myself, Joe Biden, my team we are prepared to meet for as long as possible to get this resolved.” (And we all know how accessible VP Biden has been these last few weeks.)

America is in a fiscal crisis because of our unsustainable $14 trillion debt. A real leader would be burning the midnight oil to find a solution to cutting this year’s budget and making the tough choices to rein in our debt.  It seems like every time a crisis is about to take place the President hightails it out of Washington and lets the chips fall where they may.   The Obama Administration (along with Majority Leader Harry Reid) has proven time and time again that they do not take these important budget negotiations seriously, but it is a sure bet that the liberal media will not hold them accountable.

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