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Joe Biden

Executive Orders?

Vice President Joe Biden said yesterday that the Obama Administration is considering “Executive Orders” to prevent gun violence. It is clearly stated by the Second Amendment that Americans have a right to keep and bear arms. President Obama must not overstep his powers and trample on the Constitution. He can facilitate legislation in Congress and […] NO JOE-MENTUM

Coming out of Thursday’s one and only Vice Presidential debate, the one thing that remains perfectly clear is that Joe Biden did nothing to stop the Romney-Ryan momentum. “The Big Mo” for the Republican ticket began with a bang almost 10 days ago due to the excellent performance delivered by Governor Romney at the first […]

Cagle Post: Why Paul Ryan Terrifies Democrats

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney made a bold and visionary choice in selecting House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan to join the GOP ticket. The Ryan pick firmly places the economy and our dire fiscal situation in the spotlight, the issue Americans care the most about and the one Team Obama is trying the hardest to […]

Obama AWOL on Budget

What a difference a day makes.  Today President Obama is gassing up Air Force One and heading out of Washington as a government shutdown looms.  But just yesterday President Obama said, “Myself, Joe Biden, my team we are prepared to meet for as long as possible to get this resolved.” (And we all know how […]

Where in the World is Joe Biden?

The Obama Administration’s chief negotiator for the budget, Vice President Joe Biden, has just wrapped up a vacation in Aspen, Colorado. In early March, President Obama touted that Vice President Biden would help broker a budget deal with Congressional Republicans. Since then, Vice President Biden has been traveling the world from Russia to Moldova, and […]

Transparently Unaccountable

Two days ago on 60 Minutes, President Obama said, “I think, people want to see Washington work. And what they mean by Washington working: It’s transparent. It’s accountable.” Today is the Administration’s first opportunity to follow through on that statement and prove that it will get Washington working again: Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to […]