Dedicated To Restoring Our Government to Citizens' Control

Fire From The Heartland

Red State – Out of Darkness

…Recently we attended the RedState Gathering in the great state of Texas; which is, incidentally, a really great state. I hadn’t known we’d be previewing Fire From The Heartland at the gathering, but I knew once I saw the trailer that I might cry during the movie. While I’ve learned a great deal about the […]

Washington Times – Film on Conservative Women to be Filmed at Smart Girl Summit this Week

Citizen’s United premiered its film Fire from the Heartland in Washington D.C last week at the Georgetown Loews theater. The film, which spotlights the rise of conservative women, includes commentary from Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Rep. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Rep. Jean Schmidt of Ohio, and a number of conservative luminaries from Phyllis Schlafly […]

America Freedom – Battle for America

I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing this movie at the Red State Gathering 2010 in Austin, Texas. It’s inspiring for women, educational and most of all it shares with the world all that conservation have done in helping shape our nation. The table I was sitting at during the showing had comments ranging […]

Premiere of Fire from the Heartland

On Wednesday evening we held the star-studded premiere for our newest film “Fire from the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman.” The night was a great success and we were pleased to host many members of our wonderful and inspiring all-female cast. I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this film and the […]

Red State: Fire From the Heartland

The conservative woman is at the same time underestimated and misunderstood by the national media and leftists in general. Often, liberals will poke fun at the conservative woman, whom they believe has resigned herself to subservience to the patriarchal dreams of conservative men. At the RedState Gathering in Austin, TX this past weekend, I had […]

Fire from the Heartland is Launched

I am pleased to introduce “Fire from the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman,” a film that explores a new conservative renaissance known as the Tea Party Movement, and how women are its driving force. The film is a powerful reminder of the role women have played in the conservative movement throughout American history. […]

Politico – Film Focuses on Women of the Right

The timing couldn’t be sweeter for the makers of “Fire From the Heartland: The Reawakening of the Conservative Woman.” Just days after the Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell pulled off a stunning upset against GOP establishment pick Mike Castle, Citizens United will premiere a documentary in Washington next week that they say is the first […]