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Unemployment Up To 9.2 Percent: Does the White House Even Care?

With the unemployment rate rising once again to 9.2 percent, only 18,000 jobs created in the month of June, and 400,000 workers losing their jobs for the thirteenth straight week, the question must be asked of the President, “Where are the jobs you promised back in January 2009?” Back then, the Obama Administration predicted that the jobless rate would not surpass 8 percent if the stimulus bill passed.  Of course, the stimulus bill did pass, and we haven’t seen unemployment below 8 percent since.

The failed stimulus has done nothing to put the economy on the right path towards prosperity – in fact it cost the American taxpayer $278,000 per job created. The Obama stimulus plan was nothing but a lesson in how to waste almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer funds. (So, where did the money go? Read our exclusive report.)

Americans are struggling and need real leadership in Washington. President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have led us into the economic abyss that we are now in. In 2009, they had a chance to reach a bipartisan consensus about how to fix the economy and instead chose the partisan path – the path their special interests wanted.

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Today marks the 800th day since Democrats in Washington last passed a budget and it is no coincidence that our $14 trillion debt continues to skyrocket. How can the federal government be successful in paying down its debt without a budget? As debt ceiling negotiations continue this weekend, Republicans must hold the line on stopping any tax increases. With this horrible jobs report, the American people need a larger tax burden like they need another trillion dollars added to our debt.

President Obama seems lost in dealing with our economic crisis because he is so fixated on pushing the same old liberal ideas that just feed the status quo and make it worse. More government control and spending are no prescription for an economic recovery. The Obama Administration saying today that Americans do not care about the unemployment rate just shows that their heads are in the sand. The only people in the entire nation who don’t seem to care about the high jobless rate are the ones sitting in the White House. 2012 is the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Citizens United